On purple blue background, on the left the words For Writers. On the right hand side, the hashtag #Cymera23
Cymera is committed to providing SFFH writers with some of the tools they need to get their work to that next level. Be it writing workshops, feedback from editors, opportunities to read or discuss their work, or an insight into the publishing industry, we have it all.
Inside SFFH Publishing
Over the festival weekend, we will be chatting to industry professionals in our Inside SFFH Publishing events.
What does an editor do all day? Why should you get an agent? And why you should always listen to your publicist!
Confirmed Line-up
Saturday 3rd June
1pm - 1:25pm: Robbie Guillory, Agent at Underline Literature Agency
1:45pm - 2:15pm: Simon Spanton, Editor at Large at Angry Robot
Sunday 4th June
10:30am - 11:00am: Unfortunately our planned speaker Nazia Khatun, publicist at Orbit Books, has had to cancel. Instead we’ll be talking with Rebecca Wojturska, founder and powerhouse behind Haunt Publishing, Scotland’s independent publisher of Gothic Fiction .
11:15am - 11:45am: Gemma Creffield, Commissioning Editor at Angry Robot
1:45pm - 2:10pm: John Baker, Agent with Bell Lomax Moreton
These sessions will take place in the Lomond Room and are free to attend, no ticket needed.
Our Inside SFFH Publishing talks are supported by the Writers’ and Artist’s Yearbook
Agent & Editor One-on-Ones
Writers will have the invaluable opportunity to talk directly to an agent from a literary agency or an editor from a SFFH publisher about their work, seek advice about any stage of the writing process, and receive direct feedback on pitches and ideas.
Friday 2nd June - 2pm - 4pm, digital via Zoom with Caro Clarke
Saturday 3rd June -2:15pm - 3:30pm, in person with Robbie Guillory or John Baker
Sunday 4th June - 2:15pm - 3:30pm, in person with Caro Clarke
Meetings will be 15 minutes long, and there will be a £25 fee. For the in-person meetings, please select which Agent you’d like to speak to on booking. Please note spaces are limited.
By booking tickets for this event, you are committing to submitting your submission letter and the first 2000 words of your novel (or less) by Monday 08.05.2023
Please send your material to admin@cymerafestival.co.uk
Booking Deadline Monday 8th May 2023.
Open Mic
Do you have a fresh piece of writing ready for the world to see? Then we want your reading! Poetry, a bit of a novel or short fiction, we love it all!
There will be two in-person open mic session over the festival weekend, plus one digital one.
The in-person Open Mic will take place in the Cabaret Bar at the following times
Saturday 3rd June 3pm to 3:30pm
Sunday 4th June 3pm to 3:30pm
To join us in person, please apply here
To join the digital open mic, please make a recording of your reading and submit it via this form.
We will edit all submissions together into up to two videos which will premier across the festival weekend (2nd to 4th June 2023) Please keep your reading to five minutes maximum.
Submission deadline for both in-person and digital is Sunday 21st May 2023.
Brave New Words
Please note that all our Brave New Words Slots for 2023 are already filled. Please make a note of the below for 2024.
Cymera: Scotland’s Festival of Science-Fiction, Fantasy and Horror offers a platform for Scotland-based emerging and newly published writers to read their work in front of our audience.
Brave New Words readers will appear just before some of our main events. Readings will be a maximum of five minutes.
Are you a Scotland-based writer of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror and are interested in being one of our readers?
Drop us an email on programme@cymerafestival.co.uk and tell us a little about yourself and your work.
Please note that whatever piece of work you intend to read has to be available to purchase, in digital form or in print. Both traditionally published and self-published writers can apply. Spots are limited and will be allocated by our programming team.
(On a related note, the lovely folk from Glasgow in 2024 are building the Indie Author Reading Library. For the opportunity to share a reading of your work on their YouTube channel, just fill out the form below: https://forms.gle/GXMqJudXuAEG742r9)
Writing workshops
Our #Cymera2023 programme is bursting with writing workshops, both in-person and online via Zoom.
Creating Diverse Worlds with Lorraine Wilson on Sunday, June 4, 2023, 12:15 PM - 2:00 PM, in-person
Getting into Character with Phil Sloman on Sunday, June 4, 2023 at10:00 AM -11:45 AM, in-person
Getting Published over 60 with Susie Wild on Saturday 4pm - 5:45pm, in-person
Forming Realistic Writing Habits with Birgit Gaiser on Saturday 3rd June,10am - 11:45am, in-person
Forming Realistic Writing Habits with Birgit Gaiser Friday 3pm - 4:45pm DIGITAL
Lexicons & Lattes: Using Dialogue Effectively with Eris Young on Saturday 3rd June, 4pm - 5:45pm inperson
Lexicons & Lattes: Using Dialogue Effectively with Eris Young on Sunday 4th June,10am - 11:45am DIGITAL
CANCELLED Mauled Men, Drowned Dames, and Crispy Critters: A Body Disposal Primer for Writers with Jeanne Adams on Sunday 2:30pm - 4:15pm, in-person
Reading Aloud for Performance with T.H. Dray and E.M. Faulds on Saturday 11:15am - 12:15pm, in-person
The Folklore of the Witch with Sandra Ireland on Saturday 12:15pm - 2pm, in-person
Writing Historical Fantasy with Tiffani Angus on Saturday 12:15pm - 2pm, in-person
Writing Solarpunk with Val Nolan Saturday 3rd June at 11am – 12:45pm DIGITAL
You VS the Slush Pile with Peter W. Sutton on Sunday, June 4, 2023 at10:00 AM -11:45 AM, in-person
Portfolio Review
Sunday 4th June, 12:15pm - 2pm, in-person
Calling all comic artists! Drop in and get some feedback on your portfolio from David Bishop, comics writer and former editor for 2000 AD and Judge Dredd.
Live Podcast Recording with Page One Podcast
Join podcasters Marco Rinaldi and Tariq Ashkanani for a live recording of their writing podcast, Page One – with a special guest yet to be revealed.
On Page One - The Writer’s Podcast, Marco and Tariq talk to writers of all kinds, from bestselling authors to screenwriters to comic writers to learn about how they go about creating their stories.
Don't miss a deep dive into each guest’s writing history, including how they broke into the industry, their writing process and an exploration of their work. There might even be a sneak peek of upcoming projects!
Saturday, June 3, 2023, 3:30 PM 4:30 PM, Lomond Room
How to Write a Submission/Query Letter
There is much advice out there for writing your submission/query letter. To start you off, here what the Writers and Artist Yearbook advise.
Top Submission Tips from Mark Leggatt
We asked author and editor Mark Leggatt to give us his top tips for submitting to agents.
Mark is the author of Names Of The Dead, The London Cage, and The Silk Road, a series of international thrillers which weave fact and fiction across the globe. He is also the author of a Historical Fantasy series, the first of which is in final draft.
He is also a freelance literary consultant and editor for several of the UK’s leading literary consultancies, providing editorial reports, developmental editing, copy editing and assessments.
More about Mark on his website http://www.markleggatt.com/