On purple blue background, on the left the words Brave New Words. On the right hand side, the hashtag #Cymera23
Brave New Words
Cymera: Scotland’s Festival of Science-Fiction, Fantasy and Horror is proud to offer a platform for emerging and newly published writers to read their work in front of our audience.
Our Brave New Words readers will appear just before some of our the events in the Theatre.
For some, this will be the first time they have read in front of an audience, so please give them a big Cymera welcome, and say hi at the signing afterwards!
Alexandru Morariu
Supporting In Search of a New Eden with Oliver Langmead, Ken MacLeod and Adrian Tchaikovsky
Alexandru is an Author and Digital Artist living in the UK. Creator of the brand: Derectumart, encompassing digital design, illustration and storytelling. Thematically, the brand represents the majesty of the light that shines over the unconscious landscapes of the human soul. Deep interest in exploring the sacred connections between mythology, spirituality, religions, music and psychoanalysis.
Find him online on Instagram @derectumart or at https://medium.com/@derectumillustrator
Annabel Campbell
Supporting It's Complicated with S.T. Gibson, Sydney J. Shields and Georgia Summers
Annabel writes fantasy with fierce female characters and disaster wizards, and believes everything is improved by dragons. Her debut novel, THE OUTCAST MAGE, is out in January 2025. She lives in a tiny village in Scotland, where most of her neighbours are sheep. She has a PhD in cardiovascular science, and when not making things up for a living, she works as a Medical Writer. Her other joys are red wine, playing games, or showing you too many pictures of her dog.
Find Annabel @AnnabelCWrites on Instagram, Twitter and Bluesky
Benjamin Crane
Supporting Time Travels with Poppy Kuroki & Nigel Planer
Benjamin is a long-term SF nerd and geek. This is the first book in his debut series, The Resistance Chronicles. In recent years, he has worked as an IT contractor for various clients. Prior to that, he trained in Vancouver, Canada in acting for film and television, followed by New York, USA. Benjamin currently lives in Linlithgow in Scotland. His dog Merlin enjoys his walks around the loch by Mary, Queen of Scots palace. Benjamin loves his dog very much.
Caroline Dunford
Supporting There’s Been A Murder with Amy Goldsmith, T.L. Huchu and Frances White
Caroline loves telling stories and has done so since she was little. Despite wanting to be a professional writer, she is still surprised to realise she has over thirty books published.Recently Caroline has embarked on writing YA, with the publication of Fake News. Caroline lives in the beautiful City of Edinburgh. She is a Teaching Fellow, working part time at Edinburgh University. She loves cooking (particularly Middle Eastern fare), avoids housework as much as possible, practices yoga, is into RPGs and good board games. She lives in a house full of males – her long-suffering partner and their two sons.
Visit Caroline’s website here
Charlotte Platt
Supporting For Want of a Hero with Snorri Kristjánsson, Taran Matharu and Elizabeth May
Charlotte Platt is a dark fantasy and horror writer based in the (very) far north of Scotland. When not writing she can be found down by the river bothering the local herons, or walking her parents rescue Collie, Jo.
Find Charlotte on Twitter @Chazzaroo and Instagram @chaz.platt
Genoveva Dimova
Supporting The Sunlit Lands with Eliza Chan and Natasha Pulley
Genoveva Dimova is a Bulgarian fantasy author and archaeologist based in Scotland. Her debut novel inspired by Slavic folklore, Foul Days, is coming out in June 2024, with the sequel, Monstrous Nights to follow in October 2024. When she’s not writing, she likes to explore old ruins, climb even older hills, and listen to practically ancient rock music.
Find Genoveva at @gen_dimova on Twitter and Instagram
Genevieve Jagger
Supporting Thrilling Futures with Lauren Beukes, Nikhil Singh and Maud Woolf
Genevieve Jagger is a queer writer and witch from Scotland. She is a co-editor at Witch Craft Magazine, and host of audiobook podcast, Inside the Coffin. Genevieve's debut novel, FRAGILE ANIMALS, was recently published by 404 Ink. The novel is about catholic guilt and vampires and lots of people say it's quite good. Genevieve is neurodivergent and pleased about it. She can be most often found dealing tarot cards and vibing with her cat.
Find Genevieve @poltervieve on Twitter and Instagram
Max Scratchman
Supporting The Power of Books with Gareth Brown and Mark Lawrence
Max Scratchmann is the crazed genius behind Poetry Circus, the Edinburgh-based spoken word theatre company, and is an illustrator, writer and performer in his own right.
Max can be found @Max_Scratchmann on Twitter and @the_max_man_2021 on Instagram
Nadine Little
Supporting Writing the Future
Nadine writes steamy sci-fi and paranormal romance. When she's not writing, she can be found falling over in bogs or into the occasional pond. For an explosive FREE PREQUEL to her dystopian Scotland series that's not available anywhere else, visit her websitehttps://nadinelittle.com
Nick Wilford
Supporting Growing Pains with Susan Dennard, V.V. James and Joma West
I am a freelance editor who enjoys writing speculative fiction and “making the impossible reality.” My debut traditionally published novel, the YA sci-fi The Becalmer, was released by Creative James Media in August 2023. Self-published works include the Black & White YA dystopian series and a collection of shorter fiction. I have also edited, curated and published a fundraising anthology. I live in Carluke, Scotland with my wife, three daughters and six dogs, and enjoy travel and helping unwanted dogs find loving homes.
Find Nick @NickPWilford on Twitter
Tristan Gray
Supporting Retellings with Joanne Harris, Lucy Holland and Shona Kinsella
Tristan Gray was a latecomer to Scotland, moving to the north from Jersey in 2014. After years of searching to find the real spark behind his writing Scotland unlocked it - The rugged country and dark history, which also inspired the works of George R. Martin, David Gemmell, and Elizabeth May, gave new meaning to the fantasy tales of his childhood. Now, with a new connection to an adopted home driving his work, and inspiration stretching from conventional novels, to graphic novels, to games, Tristan is writing tales worthy of the inspiration of the land around him.
Find Tristan @tgraywrites on Instagram and Facebook.