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Talk of the Galaxy with Adam Roberts and Arkady Martine

Two intergalactic tales about courage and passion, about diplomacy and hostility, about expansion and exploration – in a nutshell: two spectacular space operas, primed to become the talk of the galaxy!

In A Desolation Called Peace by Arkady Martine, Mahit Dzmare and Three Seagrass, still reeling from the recent upheaval, need to prevent their space’s destruction and millions of deaths in an endless war. Or create something far stranger?

In Purgatory Mount by Adam Roberts, a spaceship carrying a crew of five arrives at a distant planet and discovers an enormous artificial mountain, a tower that soars into the sky. Can this be the end of their journey?

About the event:

Chaired by Dr. Anna McFarlane

Running time: 60 minutes

Tickets: £3 / £5 (plus 50p booking fee)

The event will be live on Zoom.

About the authors:

Adam Roberts is commonly described as one of the UK’s most important writers of SF. He is the author of numerous novels and literary parodies. He is Professor of 19th Century Literature at Royal Holloway, London University and has written a number of critical works on both SF and 19th Century poetry. He is a contributor to the SF ENCYCLOPEDIA.

Arkady Martine is a speculative fiction writer and, as Dr. AnnaLinden Weller, a historian of the Byzantine Empire and a city planner. She is currently a policy advisor for the New Mexico Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department, where she works on climate change mitigation, energy grid modernization, and resiliency planning. Under both her names she writes about border politics, rhetoric, propaganda, and the edges of the world. Her first novel, A Memory Called Empire, won the 2020 Hugo Award for Best Novel. Arkady grew up in New York City and, after some time in Turkey, Canada, Sweden, and Baltimore, lives in Santa Fe with her wife, the author Vivian Shaw.

Later Event: June 4
Cymera Book Quiz